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Under the hood: Speed


Most operations in Arraymancer are parallelized through OpenMP including linear algebra functions, universal functions, map, reduce and fold based operations.

Parallel loop fusion - YOLO (You Only Loop Once)

Arraymancer provides several constructs for the YOLO™ paradigm (You Only Loop Once).

A naïve logistic sigmoid implementation in Numpy would be:

import math

proc sigmoid(x):
  return 1 / (1 + math.exp(-x))

With Numpy broadcasting, all those operations would be done on whole tensors using Numpy C implementation, pretty efficient?

Actually no, this would create lots of temporary and loops across the data: - temp1 = -x - temp2 = math.exp(temp1) - temp3 = 1 + temp2 - temp4 = 1 / temp3

So you suddenly get a O(4*n) algorithm.

Arraymancer can do the same using the explicit broadcast operator /. and +.. (To avoid name conflict we change the logistic sigmoid name)

import arraymancer

proc customSigmoid[T: SomeFloat](t: Tensor[T]): Tensor[T] =
  result = 1 /. (1 +. exp(-t))

Well, unfortunately, the only thing we gain here is parallelism but we still have 4 loops over the data implicitly. Another way would be to use the loop fusion template map_inline:

import arraymancer

proc customSigmoid2[T: SomeFloat](t: Tensor[T]): Tensor[T] =
  result = map_inline(t):
    1 / (1 + exp(-x))

Now in a single loop over t, Arraymancer will do 1 / (1 + exp(-x)) for each x found. x is a shorthand for the elements of the first tensor argument.

Here is another example with 3 tensors and element-wise fused multiply-add C += A *. B:

import arraymancer

proc fusedMultiplyAdd[T: SomeNumber](c: var Tensor[T], a, b: Tensor[T]) =
  ## Implements C += A *. B, *. is the element-wise multiply
  apply3_inline(c, a, b):
    x += y * z

Since the tensor were given in order (c, a, b): - x corresponds to elements of c - y to a - z to b

Today Arraymancer offers map_inline, map2_inline, apply_inline, apply2_inline and apply3_inline.

Those are also parallelized using OpenMP. In the future, this will be generalized to N inputs.

Similarly, reduce_inline and fold_inline are offered for parallel, custom, fused reductions operations.

Memory allocation

For most operations in machine learning, memory and cache is the bottleneck, for example taking the log of a Tensor can use at most 20% of your theoretical max CPU speed (in GFLOPS) while matrix multiplication can use 70%-90%+ for the best implementations (MKL, OpenBLAS).

In the log case, the processor gives a result faster than it can load data into its cache. In the matrix multiplication case, each element of a matrix can be reused several times before loading data again.

Arraymancer strives hard to limit memory allocation with the inline version of map, apply, reduce, fold (map_inline, apply_inline, reduce_inline, fold_inline) mentioned above that avoids intermediate results.

Micro benchmark: Int64 matrix multiplication

Integers seem to be the abandoned children of ndarrays and tensors libraries. Everyone is optimising the hell of floating points. Not so with Arraymancer:

Archlinux, i9-9980XE
(Skylake-X 18 cores, overclocked 4.1GHz all-core turbo, 4.0GHz all-AVX-turbo, 3.5 GHz all-AVX512 turbo)
Input 1500x1500 random large int64 matrix
Arraymancer 81777f0 (~v0.6.0, master branch 2020-01-09)
Nim 1.0.4 (-d:danger) + OpenMP0.14s22.7 MB
Julia v1.3.11.67s246.5 MB
Python 3.8.1 + Numpy-MKL 1.18 compiled from source5.69s75.9 MB

Benchmark setup is in the ./benchmarks folder and similar to (stolen from) Kostya’s.

Note: Arraymancer, Julia and Numpy have the same speed as each other on float matrix multiplication as they all use Assembly-based BLAS + OpenMP underneath. In the future, pure-Nim backends without Assembly and/or OpenMP may be used to ease deployment, especially on Windows and be free of OpenMP limitations with regards to nested parallelism and load-balancing of generic algorithms. Speed will be competitive at least with OpenBLAS, see the Weave multithreading runtime benchmarks.

Arraymancer Technical reference Tutorial Spellbook (How-To's) Under the hood