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proc laswp(a: var Tensor; pivot_indices: openArray[int32];
           pivot_from: static int32)

Apply A = P * A where P is a permutation matrix, represented pivot_indices of rows.

A is a matrix of shape MxN. A is permuted in-place

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proc orgqr[T: SomeFloat](rv_q: var Tensor[T]; tau: openArray[T];
                         scratchspace: var seq[T])

Wrapper for LAPACK orgqr routine Generates the orthonormal Q matrix from elementary Householder reflectors

Inputs must come from a previous geqrf

  • rv_q: contains r_v (reflector vector) on input. A column-major vector factors of elementary reflectors
  • tau: Scalar factors of elementary reflectors


  • rv_q: overwritten by Q

Note that while rv_q is MxN on input on output the shape is M x min(M,N)

⚠️: Output must be sliced by M, min(M,N) if M>N as the rest contains garbage

Spec: API:

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proc ormqr[T: SomeFloat](C: var Tensor[T]; Q: Tensor[T]; tau: openArray[T];
                         side, trans: static char; scratchspace: var seq[T])

Wrapper for LAPACK ormqr routine Multiply the orthonormal Q matrix from geqrf with another matrix C without materializing Q

C is a matrix of shae M, N and will be overwritten by

SIDE = 'L'     SIDE = 'R'

TRANS = 'N': Q * C C * Q TRANS = 'T': QT * C C * QT

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Arraymancer Technical reference Tutorial Spellbook (How-To's) Under the hood