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proc `*.`[T: SomeFloat](a, b: ClTensor[T]): ClTensor[T] {.noinit.}

Element-wise multiplication (Hadamard product).

And broadcasted element-wise multiplication.

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proc `+.`[T: SomeFloat](a, b: ClTensor[T]): ClTensor[T] {.noinit, inline.}
Broadcasted addition for tensors of incompatible but broadcastable shape.   Source Edit
proc `-.`[T: SomeFloat](a, b: ClTensor[T]): ClTensor[T] {.noinit, inline.}
Broadcasted addition for tensors of incompatible but broadcastable shape.   Source Edit
proc `.*`[T](a, b: ClTensor[T]): ClTensor[T] {.noinit,
    ...deprecated: "Use `*.` instead".}
Deprecated: Use `*.` instead
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proc `.+`[T](a, b: ClTensor[T]): ClTensor[T] {.noinit, inline,
    ...deprecated: "Use `+.` instead".}
Deprecated: Use `+.` instead
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proc `.-`[T](a, b: ClTensor[T]): ClTensor[T] {.noinit, inline,
    ...deprecated: "Use `-.` instead".}
Deprecated: Use `-.` instead
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proc `./`[T](a, b: ClTensor[T]): ClTensor[T] {.noinit,
    ...deprecated: "Use `/.` instead".}
Deprecated: Use `/.` instead
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proc `/.`[T: SomeFloat](a, b: ClTensor[T]): ClTensor[T] {.noinit.}

Element-wise multiplication (Hadamard product).

And broadcasted element-wise multiplication.

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