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proc kmeans[T: SomeFloat](x: Tensor[T]; centroids: Tensor[T]): Tensor[int] {.
K-Means Clustering Inputs:


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proc kmeans[T: SomeFloat](x: Tensor[T]; n_clusters = 10; tol: float = 0.0001;
                          n_init = 10; max_iters = 300; seed = 1000;
                          random = false): tuple[labels: Tensor[int],
    centroids: Tensor[T], inertia: T] {.noinit.}
K-Means Clustering Inputs:
  • x: A matrix of shape Nb of observations, Nb of features
  • n_clusters: The number of cluster centroids to compute
  • tol: early stopping criterion if centroids move less than this amount on an iteration
  • max_iters: maximum total passes over x before stopping
  • seed: random seed for reproducability


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