MaxPool2DGate[TT] {.final.} = ref object of Gate[TT]
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proc init[T](ctx: Context[Tensor[T]]; layerType: typedesc[MaxPool2D[T]]; inShape: seq[int]; kernelSize, padding, stride: Size2D): MaxPool2D[ T]
Creates an 2d maxpool layer. Input:
- ``inShape`` Expected shape if input in the form of ``[C, H_in, W_in]`` - ``kernelSize`` Height and width of the pooling kernel. - ``padding`` Size2D tuple with height and width of the padding - ``stride`` Size2D tuple with height and width of the stride
Returns the created MaxPool2D.
Source Edit proc maxpool2d[TT](input: Variable[TT]; kernel: Size2D; padding: Size2D = (0, 0); stride: Size2D = (1, 1)): Variable[ TT]
- ``input`` Variable wrapping a 4D Tensor shape [N,C,H_in,W_in] - ``kernel`` Height (kH) and width (kW) of the pooling kernel. - ``padding`` Size2D tuple with height and width of the padding - ``stride`` Size2D tuple with height and width of the stride
- A variable with a pooled 4D Tensor of shape [N,C,H_out,W_out], where H_out = (H_in + (2*padding.height) - kH) / stride.height + 1 W_out = (W_in + (2*padding.width) - kW) / stride.width + 1
Warning âš :
- Experimental, there is no tests yet for this layer