Adam[TT] = object ## Learnable weights ## Decays on first and second moment ## Current decay ## Exponential moving averages (mean estimation) ## Exponential moving averages squared (uncentered variance) ## Epsilon for numerical stability when dividing
- Adaptative Moment Estimation Source Edit
SGD[TT] = object params*: seq[Variable[TT]] lr*: TT.T
- Stochastic gradient descent without momentum. Source Edit
SGDMomentum[TT] = object params*: seq[Variable[TT]] lr*: TT.T ## Learning rate momentum*: TT.T ## Value of the momentum ## Moments for momentum ## Learning rate decay ## Flag for Nesterov momentum
- Stochastic gradient descent with momentum. Details on Nesterov momentum can be found in Sutskever et. al. 2013 Source Edit
proc optimizer[M, T](model: M; OptimizerKind: typedesc[Adam]; learning_rate: T = T(0.001); beta1: T = T(0.9); beta2: T = T(0.999); eps: T = T(1e-8)): Adam[Tensor[T]]
- Create a Adam optimizer that will update the model weight Source Edit
func optimizer[M, T](model: M; OptimizerKind: typedesc[SGD]; learning_rate: T): SGD[ Tensor[T]]
Create a SGD optimizer that will update the model weight
- model Model to optimize.
- learning_rate Learning rate.
- A SGD optimizer with the given learning rate.
proc optimizer[M, T](model: M; OptimizerKind: typedesc[SGDMomentum]; learning_rate: T; momentum: T = T(0.0); decay: T = T(0.0); nesterov = false): SGDMomentum[Tensor[T]]
Create a SGD optimizer with optional momentum that will update the model weight
- model Model to optimize.
- learning_rate Learning rate.
- momentum Momentum.
- decay How much the learning rate will decay each update.
- nesterov Whether to use Nesterov momentum or not.
- A SGD optimizer with momentum with the given parameters.
proc optimizerAdam[M, T](model: M; learning_rate: T; beta1: T = T(0.9); beta2: T = T(0.999); eps: T = T(1e-8)): Adam[Tensor[T]] {. ...deprecated: "Use optimizer(model, SGDMomentum, learning_rate) instead.".}
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func optimizerSGD[M, T](model: M; learning_rate: T): SGD[Tensor[T]] {. ...deprecated: "Use optimizer(model, SGD, learning_rate) instead.".}
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proc optimizerSGDMomentum[M, T](model: M; learning_rate: T; momentum = T(0.0); decay = T(0.0); nesterov = false): SGDMomentum[ Tensor[T]] {....deprecated: "Use optimizer(model, SGDMomentum, learning_rate) instead.".}
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proc update(self: SGD)
Performs an optimization update.
- self A SGD optimizer to update.
This proc will update the weights in the model associated with the input optimizer according to the following rule: w = w - lr * gradient
Source Edit proc update(self: var SGDMomentum)
Performs an optimization update.
- self A SGDMomentum optimizer to update.
This proc will update the weights in the model associated with the input optimizer according to the following rule: w = w - lr * gradient + m * moment If nesterov is set to true then the following rule is applied instead: w = w - lr * gradient + m * v
v = - lr * gradient + m * moment
Where in both cases the moment is the gradient change applied in the previous update step and m is the momentum.
If decay is greater than 0, the learning rate will be modified each call according to the following: lr = lr * 1/(1 + decay)
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