proc `*.`[T: SomeNumber | Complex[float32] | Complex[float64]](a, b: Tensor[T]): Tensor[ T] {.noinit.}
Element-wise multiplication (Hadamard product).
And broadcasted element-wise multiplication.
Source Edit proc `*.`[T: SomeNumber | Complex[float32] | Complex[float64]](t: Tensor[T]; val: T): Tensor[T] {.noinit.}
- Broadcasted multiplication for scalar * tensor of the same type. Source Edit
proc `*.`[T: SomeNumber | Complex[float32] | Complex[float64]](val: T; t: Tensor[T]): Tensor[T] {.noinit.}
- Broadcasted multiplication for tensor * scalar of the same type. Source Edit
proc `*.=`[T: SomeNumber | Complex[float32] | Complex[float64]]( a: var Tensor[T]; b: Tensor[T])
Tensor broadcasted in-place multiplication (Hadamard product)
Only the right hand side tensor can be broadcasted
Source Edit proc `+.`[T: SomeNumber | Complex[float32] | Complex[float64]](a, b: Tensor[T]): Tensor[ T] {.noinit, inline.}
- Broadcasted addition for tensors of incompatible but broadcastable shape. Source Edit
proc `+.`[T: SomeNumber | Complex[float32] | Complex[float64]](t: Tensor[T]; val: T): Tensor[T] {.noinit.}
- Broadcasted addition for scalar + tensor of the same type. Source Edit
proc `+.`[T: SomeNumber | Complex[float32] | Complex[float64]](val: T; t: Tensor[T]): Tensor[T] {.noinit.}
- Broadcasted addition for tensor + scalar of the same type. Source Edit
proc `+.=`[T: SomeNumber | Complex[float32] | Complex[float64]]( a: var Tensor[T]; b: Tensor[T])
Tensor broadcasted in-place addition.
Only the right hand side tensor can be broadcasted.
Source Edit proc `-.`[T: SomeNumber | Complex[float32] | Complex[float64]](a, b: Tensor[T]): Tensor[ T] {.noinit, inline.}
- Broadcasted addition for tensors of incompatible but broadcastable shape. Source Edit
proc `-.`[T: SomeNumber | Complex[float32] | Complex[float64]](t: Tensor[T]; val: T): Tensor[T] {.noinit.}
- Broadcasted substraction for scalar - tensor of the same type. Source Edit
proc `-.`[T: SomeNumber | Complex[float32] | Complex[float64]](val: T; t: Tensor[T]): Tensor[T] {.noinit.}
- Broadcasted substraction for tensor - scalar of the same type. Source Edit
proc `-.=`[T: SomeNumber | Complex[float32] | Complex[float64]]( a: var Tensor[T]; b: Tensor[T])
Tensor broadcasted in-place substraction.
Only the right hand side tensor can be broadcasted.
Source Edit proc `.*`[T](t: Tensor[Complex64]; val: T): Tensor[Complex64] {.noinit, inline, ...deprecated: "Use `*.` instead".}
- Source Edit
proc `.*`[T](t: Tensor[T]; val: T): Tensor[T] {.noinit, ...deprecated: "Use `*.` instead".}
- Source Edit
proc `.+`[T](a, b: Tensor[T]): Tensor[T] {.noinit, inline, ...deprecated: "Use `+.` instead".}
- Source Edit
proc `.+`[T](t: Tensor[Complex64]; val: T): Tensor[Complex64] {.noinit, inline, ...deprecated: "Use `+.` instead".}
- Source Edit
proc `.+`[T](t: Tensor[T]; val: T): Tensor[T] {.noinit, ...deprecated: "Use `+.` instead".}
- Source Edit
proc `.-`[T](a, b: Tensor[T]): Tensor[T] {.noinit, inline, ...deprecated: "Use `-.` instead".}
- Source Edit
proc `.-`[T](t: Tensor[Complex64]; val: T): Tensor[Complex64] {.noinit, inline, ...deprecated: "Use `-.` instead".}
- Source Edit
proc `.-`[T](t: Tensor[T]; val: T): Tensor[T] {.noinit, ...deprecated: "Use `-.` instead".}
- Source Edit
proc `./`[T](t: Tensor[Complex64]; val: T): Tensor[Complex64] {.noinit, inline, ...deprecated: "Use `/.` instead".}
- Source Edit
proc `./`[T](t: Tensor[T]; val: T): Tensor[T] {.noinit, ...deprecated: "Use `/.` instead".}
- Source Edit
proc `.^`[T](base: T; t: Tensor[T]): Tensor[T] {.noinit, ...deprecated: "Use `^.` instead".}
- Source Edit
proc `.^`[T](t: Tensor[Complex64]; val: T): Tensor[Complex64] {.noinit, inline, ...deprecated: "Use `^.` instead".}
- Source Edit
proc `/.`[T: SomeNumber | Complex[float32] | Complex[float64]](a, b: Tensor[T]): Tensor[ T] {.noinit.}
Tensor element-wise division
And broadcasted element-wise division.
Source Edit proc `/.`[T: SomeNumber | Complex[float32] | Complex[float64]](t: Tensor[T]; val: T): Tensor[T] {.noinit.}
- Broadcasted division for tensor / scalar of the same type. Source Edit
proc `/.`[T: SomeNumber | Complex[float32] | Complex[float64]](val: T; t: Tensor[T]): Tensor[T] {.noinit.}
- Broadcasted division for scalar / tensor of the same type. Source Edit
proc `/.=`[T: SomeNumber | Complex[float32] | Complex[float64]]( a: var Tensor[T]; b: Tensor[T])
Tensor broadcasted in-place division.
Only the right hand side tensor can be broadcasted.
Source Edit proc `^.`[T: SomeFloat | Complex[float32] | Complex[float64]](base: T; t: Tensor[T]): Tensor[T] {.noinit.}
- Broadcasted exponentiation: scalar ^ tensor of the same type. Source Edit
proc `^.`[T: SomeFloat | Complex[float32] | Complex[float64]](t: Tensor[T]; exponent: T): Tensor[T] {.noinit.}
- Compute element-wise exponentiation: tensor ^ scalar of the same type. Source Edit