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This module provides Einstein summation for an arbitrary number of tensors.

Einstein summation describes a special application of index notation in which indices that appear more than once are implicitly summed over. This allows for a concise notation of many vector / matrix / tensor calculations, while exactly representing the required calculation.

In general Einstein summation is a subset of Ricci calculus.

The implementation of einsum in different languages however, typically goes above and beyond actual Einstein summation, allowing for many aspects of Ricci calculus.

Simple Einstein summation examples

Typical examples include matrix-vector multiplication, matrix-matrix multiplication or the cross product. The examples below use the einsum / notation for the elements of tensors, namely m[i,j] for element i,j of the matrix m, instead of the more mathematical notation m_ij.

Matrix-vector multiplication

Let m be an NxM matrix and v a M vector. Then matrix-vector multiplication m * v is defined as: w[i] = \sum_j m[i,j] * v[j]. The result is an N vector w consisting of elements w[i]. Since j appears twice on the RHS of the equation, Einstein summation implies that the sum over j is implicit, hence we can write:

w[i] = m[i,j] * v[j].

Matrix-matrix multiplication

The same can be applied to matrix-matrix multiplication. Let m, n be two compatible matrices (both NxN or NxM and MxN) with elements m[i,j] and n[i,j]. Matrix-matrix multiplication is defined as

a[i,k] = \sum_j m[i,j] * n[j,k]

and thus in Einstein summation:

a[i,k] = m[i,j] * n[j,k].

Cross-product of two vectors

The cross product of two 3 vectors v, w can be conveniently defined using the Levi-Civita symbol \epsilon_{ijk}:

a[i] = \epsilon_{ijk} v[j] * w[k],

which implies j and k are summed over, while i is kept for the resulting tensor.

More complex examples

In this implementation of einsum (similar to other einsum implementations), it's also possible to explicitly keep different dimensions of the multiplied tensors or even perform calculations without a single index appearing mutliple times, for instance to transpose a tensor. For these cases the explicit form of the einsum macro has to be used, see below.

Transposition of a matrix

Transposition of a matrix can be expressed in index notation simply as an exchange of indices, namely let m be an NxM matrix, the transposed MxN matrix m^T is written as:

m[j,i] = m[i,j].

Hadamard product

The Hadamard product defines the product of two NxM matrices n, m in which the matrices are multiplied element wise. It is a good example of the extension of einsum over standard Einstein summation:

a[i,j] = m[i,j] * n[i,j].

Naive Einstein summation would demand a sum over both i and j, resulting in a scalar on the LHS instead of another NxM matrix.

Contracting a whole matrix

Contraction of a full matrix describes summing all elements of a matrix m, resulting in a scalar a. It is expressed by:

a = m[i,i].

The einsum macro

The einsum macro provides two different usage paradigms.

  • implicit <- normal Einstein summation
  • explicit <- potential extended Einstein summation

The macro takes a varargs[Tensor] and a single statement. It returns a Tensor[T], where T is deduced from the subtype of the given tensors, if the result is not a scalar. For a scalar result the return value is of type T. Note that the type of all given tensors must match!

The statement given to the macro is just a single line making use of Einstein summation as in all the examples above. As a matter of fact all examples above are valid statements for the einsum macro!

Of course only tensors, which are given to the macro in the varargs may be used in the statement.

If only the RHS of the examples above are given, the required indices for the resulting tensor are automatically calculated using pure Einstein summation. Assuming a, b are two 2D arraymancer tensors , we could express their matrix mutiplication as

let c = einsum(a, b):
  a[i,j] * b[j,k]

Of course the same can be written in explicit form:

let c = einsum(a, b):
  c[i,k] = a[i,j] * b[j,k]

A few things must be noted here for the explicit case:

  • the indices on the LHS are taken as "the truth"! Any index appearing here will not be summed over.
  • the order on the LHS is taken into account, allowing for transposing dimensions.
  • the identifier used on the LHS is arbitrary. It can match what the user assigns to, but need not.

For many more examples for typical applications, take a look at the test case ../../tests/tensor/test_einsum.nim.

Implementation details

The macro calculates, which indices must be contracted and which remain in the final tensor. For each appearing index (of either case) we create a for loop, while the contracting for loops appear within the non contracting indices.

The macro creates a block, in which the code is produced and returns the temporary tensor used in it.

It also forces the tensors into contiguous, row major form by creating local copies with asContiguous.


macro einsum(tensors: varargs[typed]; stmt: untyped): untyped

Performs Einstein summation of the given tensors defined by the stmt. See the top of the module for an explanation on Einstein summation.

Let a, b some 2D tensors (matrices), then the usage to perform matrix multiplication of the two might look like: .. code:: nim # implicit Einstein summation let c = einsum(a, b): ai,j * bj,k # explicit Einstein summation. Note that identifier d in statement # is arbitrary and need not match what will be assigned to. let d = einsum(a, b): di,k = ai,j * bj,k # explicit Einstein summation

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