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proc clMalloc[T](size: Natural): ptr UncheckedArray[T] {.inline.}
Internal proc. Wrap OpenCL createBuffer   Source Edit
proc deallocCl[T](p: ref [ptr UncheckedArray[T]]) {.noSideEffect.}
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proc layoutOnDevice[T: SomeFloat](t: ClTensor[T]): ClTensorLayout[T]
Store a ClTensor shape, strides, etc information on the GPU   Source Edit
proc newClStorage[T: SomeFloat](length: int): ClStorage[T]
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proc toClpointer[T](p: ClStorage[T]): Pmem {.noSideEffect, inline.}
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proc toClpointer[T](p: ClTensor[T]): Pmem {.noSideEffect, inline.}
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proc toClpointer[T](p: ptr T | ptr UncheckedArray[T]): Pmem {.noSideEffect,
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