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proc fold[U, T](arg: Tensor[U]; start_val: T; f: (T, U) -> T): T {.effectsOf: f.}
Chain result = f(result, element) over all elements of the Tensor Input:
- A tensor to aggregate on
- The starting value
- The aggregation function. It is applied this way: new_aggregate = f(old_aggregate, current_value)


- An aggregate of the function called on the starting value and all elements of the tensor

Usage: .. code:: nim a.fold(100,max) ## This compare 100 with the first tensor value and returns 100 ## In the end, we will get the highest value in the Tensor or 100 ## whichever is bigger.

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proc fold[U, T](arg: Tensor[U]; start_val: Tensor[T];
                f: (Tensor[T], Tensor[U]) -> Tensor[T]; axis: int): Tensor[T] {.
    effectsOf: f.}
Chain result = f(result, element) over all elements of the Tensor Input:
- A tensor to aggregate on
- The starting value
- The aggregation function. It is applied this way: new_aggregate = f(old_aggregate, current_value)
- The axis to aggregate on


- An Tensor with the aggregate of the function called on the starting value and all slices along the selected axis
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proc reduce[T](arg: Tensor[T]; f: (T, T) -> T): T {.effectsOf: f.}

Chain result = f(result, element) over all elements of the Tensor.

The starting value is the first element of the Tensor. Input:

- A tensor to aggregate on
- The aggregation function. It is applied this way: new_aggregate = f(old_aggregate, current_value)


- An aggregate of the function called all elements of the tensor

Usage: .. code:: nim a.reduce(max) ## This returns the maximum value in the Tensor.

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proc reduce[T](arg: Tensor[T]; f: (Tensor[T], Tensor[T]) -> Tensor[T]; axis: int): Tensor[
    T] {.noinit, effectsOf: f.}

Chain result = f(result, element) over all elements of the Tensor.

The starting value is the first element of the Tensor. Input:

- A tensor to aggregate on
- The aggregation function. It is applied this way: new_aggregate = f(old_aggregate, current_value)
- An axis to aggregate on


- A tensor aggregate of the function called all elements of the tensor
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template fold_axis_inline[T](arg: Tensor[T]; accumType: typedesc;
                             fold_axis: int;
                             op_initial, op_middle, op_final: untyped): untyped
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template fold_inline[T](arg: Tensor[T]; op_initial, op_middle, op_final: untyped): untyped
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template reduce_axis_inline[T](arg: Tensor[T]; reduction_axis: int; op: untyped): untyped
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template reduce_inline[T](arg: Tensor[T]; op: untyped): untyped
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Arraymancer Technical reference Tutorial Spellbook (How-To's) Under the hood