proc lu_permuted[T: SupportedDecomposition](a: Tensor[T]): tuple[ PL, U: Tensor[T]]
Compute the pivoted LU decomposition of an input matrix a.
The decomposition solves the equation: A = P L U
- P is a permutation matrix
- L is a lower-triangular matrix with unit diagonal
- U is an upper-triangular matrix
- a, a MxN matrix
Output: with K = min(M, N)
Source Edit proc svd[T: SupportedDecomposition; U: SomeFloat](A: Tensor[T]; _: typedesc[U]): tuple[ U: Tensor[T], S: Tensor[U], Vh: Tensor[T]]
Compute the Singular Value Decomposition of an input matrix a Decomposition is done through recursive divide & conquer.
- A, matrix of shape M, N
Returns: with K = min(M, N)
- U: Unitary matrix of shape M, K with left singular vectors as columns
- S: Singular values diagonal of length K in decreasing order
- Vh: Unitary matrix of shape K, N with right singular vectors as rows
SVD solves the equation: A = U S V.h
- with S being a diagonal matrix of singular values
- with V being the right singular vectors and V.h being the hermitian conjugate of V for real matrices, this is equivalent to V.t (transpose)
⚠️: Input must not contain NaN
Compared to Numpy svd procedure, we default to "full_matrices = false".
- This can throw if the algorithm did not converge.
proc svd[T: SupportedDecomposition](A: Tensor[T]): auto
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proc symeig[T: SupportedDecomposition](a: Tensor[T]; return_eigenvectors: static bool = false; uplo: static char = 'U'): tuple[eigenval, eigenvec: Tensor[T]] {. inline.}
Compute the eigenvalues and eigen vectors of a symmetric matrix Input:
- A symmetric matrix of shape n x n
- A boolean: true if you also want the eigenvectors, false otherwise
- A char U for upper or L for lower This allows you to only fill half of the input symmetric matrix
- A tuple with:
Implementation is done through the Multiple Relatively Robust Representations
Source Edit proc symeig[T: SupportedDecomposition](a: Tensor[T]; return_eigenvectors: static bool = false; uplo: static char = 'U'; slice: HSlice[[type node], [type node]]): tuple[ eigenval, eigenvec: Tensor[T]] {.inline.}
Compute the eigenvalues and eigen vectors of a symmetric matrix Input:
- A symmetric matrix of shape n, n
- A boolean: true if you also want the eigenvectors, false otherwise
- A char U for upper or L for lower This allows you to only fill half of the input symmetric matrix
- A slice of the rankings of eigenvalues you request. For example requesting eigenvalues 2 and 3 would be done with 1..2.
- A tuple with:
Implementation is done through the Multiple Relatively Robust Representations
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