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Working with OpenCL and Cuda in Nim

Date: May 6, 2018, by Mamy André-Ratsimbazafy

Arraymancer is a tensor library I’m writing from the ground up in Nim. Cuda support was added in v0.3 last December, I just released the new v0.4 with OpenCL support.

I’d like to share a bit of my experience on working in OpenCL through Nim. First of all, you have to know that none of the big guys (Google Tensorflow, Facebook PyTorch, Apache/Amazon MxNet, Microsoft CNTK or even Intel/AMD) has first class OpenCL support.

Why? Probably because Nvidia is providing superb tools and documentation for frameworks developers. Also Cuda can leerage a few C++ facilities like generics and function objects that I use heavily for generic code.

For example in Nim+Cuda I define element-wise functions like the following and pass it to a higher-order function that will apply it element-wise on 3 tensors:

# Binary op
# Does C[i] = A[i] `op` B[i]
template cuda_binary_op(op_name, op_symbol: string)=
  template<typename T>
  struct """,op_name,"""{
  __device__ __forceinline__ void operator()(
      T *  __restrict__ dst,
      const T *  __restrict__ A,
      const T *  __restrict__ B){
      *dst = __ldg(A)""", op_symbol, """ __ldg(B);

You can see here the advantage of C++: typename T to template over int/float/double and higher-order functions/function object for cleaner code. You can also see that Nim can directly inline C++ code with emit and I even templatize the operation_name.

Now what about OpenCL? Unfortunately C doesn’t offer something similar and requires a lot of boilerplate. The alternative, the C++ official OpenCL API and implementation: SYCL is very experimental and I am not sure how it works on actual GPUs.

However thanks to Nim metaprogramming, squashing the C boilerplate is super easy. Here is an example kernel to do C = A op B

template gen_cl_apply3*(kern_name, ctype, op: string): string =
  ## Generates an OpenCL kernel for an elementwise binary infix operations (like +, -, ...)
  ## Input:
  ##   - The C type
  ##   - The C kernel name (this only helps debugging the C code)
  ##   - The C operation (+, -, ...)
  opencl_getIndexOfElementID() & """
  void """ & kern_name &
          """(const int rank,
              const int len,
              __global const int * restrict dst_shape,
              __global const int * restrict dst_strides,
              const int dst_offset,
              __global       """ & ctype & """ * restrict const dst_data,
              __global const int * restrict A_shape,
              __global const int * restrict A_strides,
              const int A_offset,
              __global const """ & ctype & """ * restrict const A_data,
              __global const int * restrict B_shape,
              __global const int * restrict B_strides,
              const int B_offset,
              __global const """ & ctype & """ * restrict const B_data)
    // Grid-stride loop
    for (int elemID = get_global_id(0);
    elemID < len;
    elemID += get_global_size(0)) {
      const int dst_real_idx = opencl_getIndexOfElementID(rank, dst_shape, dst_strides, dst_offset, elemID);
      const int A_real_idx = opencl_getIndexOfElementID(rank, A_shape, A_strides, A_offset, elemID);
      const int B_real_idx = opencl_getIndexOfElementID(rank, B_shape, B_strides, B_offset, elemID);
      dst_data[dst_real_idx] = A_data[A_real_idx] """ & op & """ B_data[B_real_idx];

And write a few generic lines of code to deal with the data on the device (especially opencl_getIndexOfElementID which convert foo[1, 2, 3] into[456] depending on the tensor shape.

Afterwards, all my operations are easily added in one line:

genClInfixOp(float32, "float", `+`, "clAdd", "+")
genClInfixOp(float64, "double", `+`, "clAdd", "+")
genClInfixOp(float32, "float", `-`, "clSub", "-")
genClInfixOp(float64, "double", `-`, "clSub", "-")

genClInPlaceOp(float32, "float", `+=`, "clAdd", "+=")
genClInPlaceOp(float64, "double", `+=`, "clAdd", "+=")
genClInPlaceOp(float32, "float", `-=`, "clSub", "-=")
genClInPlaceOp(float64, "double", `-=`, "clSub", "-=")

Next steps? Create unary operation higher-order functions and add cos/sin/ln/exp in just 2 lines of code each. Furthermore allow lifting any unary operation to operations on whole tensors with a map function, expose it so that OpenCL tensors are easily customizable.

After using Nim + OpenCL, I actually realized that using C++ function objects was overengineering.

To conclude, at the moment, I am convinced that the best language to work with GPUs is Nim.

Oh, and for those who wants to see real Nim code for neural networks, here is a Fizzbuzz in Nim using neural networks (I didn’t implement it on GPU yet though)

# A port to Arraymancer of Joel Grus hilarious FizzBuzz in Tensorflow:

# Interviewer: Welcome, can I get you a coffee or anything? Do you need a break?
# ...
# Interviewer: OK, so I need you to print the numbers from 1 to 100,
#              except that if the number is divisible by 3 print "fizz",
#              if it's divisible by 5 print "buzz", and if it's divisible by 15 print "fizzbuzz".

# Let's start with standard imports
import ../src/arraymancer, math, strformat

# We want to input a number and output the correct "fizzbuzz" representation
# ideally the input is a represented by a vector of real values between 0 and 1
# One way to do that is by using the binary representation of number
func binary_encode(i: int, num_digits: int): Tensor[float32] =
  result = newTensor[float32](1, num_digits)
  for d in 0 ..< num_digits:
    result[0, d] = float32(i shr d and 1)

# For the input, we distinguishes 4 cases, nothing, fizz, buzz and fizzbuzz.
func fizz_buzz_encode(i: int): int =
  if   i mod 15 == 0: return 3 # fizzbuzz
  elif i mod  5 == 0: return 2 # buzz
  elif i mod  3 == 0: return 1 # fizz
  else              : return 0

# Next, let's generate training data, we don't want to train on 1..100, that's our test values
# We can't tell the neural net the truth values it must discover the logic by itself.
# so we use values between 101 and 1024 (2^10)
const NumDigits = 10

var x_train = newTensor[float32](2^NumDigits - 101, NumDigits)
var y_train = newTensor[int](2^NumDigits - 101)

for i in 101 ..< 2^NumDigits:
  x_train[i - 101, _] = binary_encode(i, NumDigits)
  y_train[i - 101] = fizz_buzz_encode(i)

# How many neurons do we need to change a light bulb, sorry do a division? let's pick ...
const NumHidden = 100

# Let's setup our neural network context, variables and model
  ctx = newContext Tensor[float32]
  X   = ctx.variable x_train

network ctx, FizzBuzzNet:
    hidden: Linear(NumDigits, NumHidden)
    output: Linear(NumHidden, 4)
  forward x:

let model = ctx.init(FizzBuzzNet)
let optim = model.optimizer(SGD, 0.05'f32)

func fizz_buzz(i: int, prediction: int): string =
  [$i, "fizz", "buzz", "fizzbuzz"][prediction]

# Phew, finally ready to train, let's pick the batch size and number of epochs
const BatchSize = 128
const Epochs    = 2500

# And let's start training the network
for epoch in 0 ..< Epochs:
  # Here I should probably shuffle the input data.
  for start_batch in countup(0, x_train.shape[0]-1, BatchSize):
    # Pick the minibatch
    let end_batch = min(x_train.shape[0]-1, start_batch + BatchSize)
    let X_batch = X[start_batch ..< end_batch, _]
    let target = y_train[start_batch ..< end_batch]
    # Go through the model
    let clf = model.forward(X_batch)
    # Go through our cost function
    let loss = clf.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy(target)
    # Backpropagate the errors and let the optimizer fix them.
  # Let's see how we fare:
    echo &"\nEpoch #{epoch} done. Testing accuracy"
    let y_pred = model
                  .argmax(axis = 1)
    let score = y_pred.accuracy_score(y_train)
    echo &"Accuracy: {score:.3f}%"
    echo "\n"

# Our network is trained, let's see if it's well behaved

# Now let's use what we really want to fizzbuzz, numbers from 1 to 100
var x_buzz = newTensor[float32](100, NumDigits)
for i in 1 .. 100:
  x_buzz[i - 1, _] = binary_encode(i, NumDigits)

# Wrap them for neural net
let X_buzz = ctx.variable x_buzz

# Pass it through the network
  let y_buzz = model
                .argmax(axis = 1)

# Extract the answer
var answer: seq[string] = @[]

for i in 1..100:
  answer.add fizz_buzz(i, y_buzz[i - 1])

echo answer
# @["1", "2", "fizz", "4", "buzz", "6", "7", "8", "fizz", "10",
#   "11", "12", "13", "14", "15", "16", "17", "fizz", "19", "buzz",
#   "fizz", "22", "23", "24", "buzz", "26", "fizz", "28", "29", "30",
#   "31", "32", "fizz", "34", "buzz", "36", "37", "38", "39", "40",
#   "41", "fizz", "43", "44", "fizzbuzz", "46", "47", "fizz", "49", "50",
#   "fizz", "52","53", "54", "buzz", "56", "fizz", "58", "59", "fizzbuzz",
#   "61", "62", "63", "64", "buzz", "fizz", "67", "68", "fizz", "buzz",
#   "71", "fizz", "73", "74", "75", "76", "77","fizz", "79", "buzz",
#   "fizz", "82", "83", "fizz", "buzz", "86", "fizz", "88", "89", "90",
#   "91", "92", "fizz", "94", "buzz", "fizz", "97", "98", "fizz", "buzz"]

# I guess 100 neurons are not enough to learn multiplication :/.

Thank you for your attention and your support,

Be sure to try Nim and Arraymancer!

Arraymancer Technical reference Tutorial Spellbook (How-To's) Under the hood