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AnyTensor[T] = Tensor[T] or CudaTensor[T] or ClTensor[T]
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ClStorage[T] = object
  Flen*: int
  Fdata*: ptr UncheckedArray[T]
  Fref_tracking*: ref [ptr UncheckedArray[T]]
Opaque seq-like structure for storage on the OpenCL backend.   Source Edit
ClTensor[T] = object
  shape*: Metadata
  strides*: Metadata
  offset*: int
  storage*: ClStorage[T]
Tensor data structure stored on OpenCL (CPU, GPU, FPGAs or other accelerators)
  • shape: Dimensions of the CudaTensor
  • strides: Numbers of items to skip to get the next item along a dimension.
  • offset: Offset to get the first item of the CudaTensor. Note: offset can be negative, in particular for slices.
  • storage: An opaque data storage for the CudaTensor

Warning âš : Assignment var a = b does not copy the data. Data modification on one CudaTensor will be reflected on the other. However modification on metadata (shape, strides or offset) will not affect the other tensor. Explicit copies can be made with clone: var a = b.clone

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CudaStorage[T] = object
  Flen*: int
  Fdata*: ptr UncheckedArray[T]
  Fref_tracking*: ref [ptr UncheckedArray[T]]

Opaque seq-like structure for storage on the Cuda backend.

Nim garbage collector will automatically ask cuda to clear GPU memory if data becomes unused.

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CudaTensor[T] = object
  shape*: Metadata
  strides*: Metadata
  offset*: int
  storage*: CudaStorage[T]
Tensor data structure stored on Nvidia GPU (Cuda)
  • shape: Dimensions of the CudaTensor
  • strides: Numbers of items to skip to get the next item along a dimension.
  • offset: Offset to get the first item of the CudaTensor. Note: offset can be negative, in particular for slices.
  • storage: An opaque data storage for the CudaTensor

Warning âš : Assignment var a = b does not copy the data. Data modification on one CudaTensor will be reflected on the other. However modification on metadata (shape, strides or offset) will not affect the other tensor. Explicit copies can be made with clone: var a = b.clone

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proc data=[T](t: var Tensor[T]; s: seq[T]) {.
    ...deprecated: "Use copyFromRaw instead".}
Deprecated: Use copyFromRaw instead
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proc dataArray[T: KnownSupportsCopyMem](t: Tensor[T]): ptr UncheckedArray[T] {.
    noSideEffect, inline, ...deprecated: "Use toUnsafeView instead".}
Deprecated: Use toUnsafeView instead
- A tensor


- A pointer to the offset start of the data.
  Return value supports array indexing.
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proc dataArray[T: not KnownSupportsCopyMem](t: Tensor[T]): ptr UncheckedArray[T] {.error: "`dataArray`  is deprecated for mem copyable types and not supported for GC\'ed types!".}
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proc get_data_ptr[T: KnownSupportsCopyMem](t: Tensor[T]): ptr T {.noSideEffect,
- A tensor


- A pointer to the real start of its data (no offset)
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proc get_data_ptr[T: not KnownSupportsCopyMem](t: AnyTensor[T]): ptr T {.
    error: "`get_data_ptr` cannot be safely used for GC\'ed types!".}
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proc get_data_ptr[T](t: CudaTensor[T] or ClTensor[T]): ptr T {.noSideEffect,
- A tensor


- A pointer to the real start of its data (no offset)
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proc get_offset_ptr[T: KnownSupportsCopyMem](t: Tensor[T]): ptr T {.
    noSideEffect, inline.}
- A tensor


- A pointer to the offset start of its data
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proc get_offset_ptr[T: not KnownSupportsCopyMem](t: AnyTensor[T]): ptr T {.
    error: "`get_offset_ptr` cannot be safely used for GC\'ed types!".}
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proc get_offset_ptr[T](t: CudaTensor[T] or ClTensor[T]): ptr T {.noSideEffect,
- A tensor


- A pointer to the offset start of its data
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func is_C_contiguous(t: CudaTensor or ClTensor): bool
Check if the tensor follows C convention / is row major   Source Edit
proc is_F_contiguous(t: AnyTensor): bool {.noSideEffect, inline.}
Check if the tensor follows Fortran convention / is column major   Source Edit
proc isContiguous(t: AnyTensor): bool {.noSideEffect, inline.}
Check if the tensor is contiguous   Source Edit
func rank[T](t: CudaTensor[T] or ClTensor[T]): range[0 .. LASER_MAXRANK] {.
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proc shape_to_strides(shape: Metadata; layout: OrderType = rowMajor;
                      result: var Metadata) {.noSideEffect, ...raises: [],
    tags: [], forbids: [].}
- A shape (Metadata), for example [3,5] for a 3x5 matrix
- Optionally rowMajor (C layout - default) or colMajor (Fortran)


- The strides in C or Fortran order corresponding to this shape and layout

 Arraymancer defaults to rowMajor. Temporarily, CudaTensors are colMajor by default.

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func size[T](t: CudaTensor[T] or ClTensor[T]): Natural {.inline.}
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Arraymancer Technical reference Tutorial Spellbook (How-To's) Under the hood