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Spellbook: How to do a multilayer perceptron

import arraymancer

# Learning XOR function with a neural network.

# Autograd context / neuralnet graph
let ctx = newContext Tensor[float32]

let bsz = 32 # batch size

# We will create a tensor of size 3200 (100 batches of size 32)
# We create it as int between [0, 2[ and convert to bool
let x_train_bool = randomTensor([bsz * 100, 2], 2).astype(bool)

# Let's build our truth labels. We need to apply xor between the 2 columns of the tensors
let y_bool = x_train_bool[_,0] xor x_train_bool[_,1]

# Convert to float
let x_train = ctx.variable(x_train_bool.astype(float32), requires_grad = true)
let y = y_bool.astype(float32)

# We will build the following network:
# Input --> Linear(out_features = 3) --> relu --> Linear(out_features = 1) --> Sigmoid --> Cross-Entropy Loss

# First hidden layer of 3 neurons, shape [3 out_features, 2 in_features]
# We initialize with random weights between -1 and 1
let layer_3neurons = ctx.variable(
  randomTensor(3, 2, 2.0f) -. 1.0f,
  requires_grad = true

# Classifier layer with 1 neuron per feature. (In our case only one neuron overall)
# We initialize with random weights between -1 and 1
let classifier_layer = ctx.variable(
  randomTensor(1, 3, 2.0f) -. 1.0f,
  requires_grad = true

# Stochastic Gradient Descent
let optim = newSGD[float32](
  layer_3neurons, classifier_layer, 0.01f # 0.01 is the learning rate

# Learning loop
for epoch in 0..5:
  for batch_id in 0..<100:
    # minibatch offset in the Tensor
    let offset = batch_id * 32
    let x = x_train[offset ..< offset + 32, _]
    let target = y[offset ..< offset + 32, _]
    # Building the network
    let n1 = relu linear(x, layer_3neurons)
    let n2 = linear(n1, classifier_layer)
    let loss = n2.sigmoid_cross_entropy(target)
    echo "Epoch is:" & $epoch
    echo "Batch id:" & $batch_id
    echo "Loss is:" & $loss.value
    # Compute the gradient (i.e. contribution of each parameter to the loss)
    # Correct the weights now that we have the gradient information
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