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macro network(modelName: untyped; config: untyped): untyped

Declare a neural network.

Example usage:

network DemoNet:
  layers h, w:
    cv1:        Conv2D(@[1, h, w], 20, (5, 5))
    mp1:        Maxpool2D(cv1.outShape, (2,2), (0,0), (2,2))
    cv2:        Conv2D(mp1.outShape, 50, (5, 5))
    mp2:        MaxPool2D(cv2.outShape, (2,2), (0,0), (2,2))
    fl:         Flatten(mp2.outShape)
    hidden:     Linear(fl.outShape[0], 500)
    classifier: Linear(500, 10)
  forward x:

  ctx = newContext Tensor[float32]
  model = ctx.init(DemoNet, 28, 28)

Custom layers can be created by providing a type, an init-function, and a forward-function. The type could look like this:

  MyLayer*[T] = object
    someWeights*: Variable[Tensor[T]]
    importantInfo*: seq[int]

It is important that the type has exactly one generic parameter which corresponds to the underlying type (e.g., float32 or int8). The init-function is required to adhere to the following structure:

proc init*[T](
  ctx: Context[Tensor[T]], # could also be Context[AnyTensor[T]] for example
  layerType: typedesc[MyLayer[T]],
  myInitParam: string
  # ... here you can add all the necessary init parameters, like shapes and number of output features
): MyLayer[T] =
  discard # your init stuff

The only requirement for the forward function is that the first parameter must be of your layer type like this:

proc forward*[T](self: MyLayer[T], myInput: SpecialInputType, doNothing: bool): Variable[Tensor[T]] =
  if not doNothing:
    result = myInput.yourComputations(self.importantInfo, self.someWeights)

Often it is also useful to provide proc outShape(m: MyLayer): seq[int] and possibly proc inShape(m: MyLayer): seq[int] functions.

Your custom layer can then be used for example like this:

network DemoNet2:
    myLayer:    MyLayer(myInitParam = "hello!")
    fl:         Flatten(myLayer.outShape)
    hidden:     Linear(fl.outShape[0], 500)
    classifier: Linear(500, 10)
  forward x:
    x.myLayer(doNothing = false).fl.hidden.relu.classifier
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