proc forward[T](self: GRULayer[T]; input, hidden0: Variable): tuple[ output, hiddenN: Variable]
- input: Input tensor of shape sequence/timesteps, batch, features
- hidden0 the initial hidden state of shape num_stacked_layers, batch, hidden_size
- output of shape sequence/timesteps, batch, num_directions * hidden_size. output contains the output features hiddenT for each T (timesteps)
- hiddenN of shape num_stacked_layers * num_directions, batch, hidden_size. hiddenN contains the hidden state for timestep T == sequence/timesteps length of input
proc gru[TT](input, hidden0: Variable[TT]; W3s0, W3sN, U3s: Variable[TT]; bW3s, bU3s: Variable[TT]): tuple[output, hiddenN: Variable[TT]]
⚠️ API subject to change to match CuDNNs
Bidirectional support is not implemented
- input: Input tensor of shape sequence/timesteps, batch, features
- hidden0 the initial hidden state of shape num_stacked_layers, batch, hidden_size
- Input weights W3s of shapes:
- W3s0: 3 * hidden_size, features for the first layer
- W3sN: num_stacked_layers - 1, 3 * hidden_size, num_directions * hidden_size for the following layers
- A series of hidden state weights U3s of shape num_stacked_layers, 3 * hidden_size, hidden_size
- A series of biases for input and hidden state weights of shape num_stacked_layers, 1, 3 * hidden_size
- output of shape sequence/timesteps, batch, num_directions * hidden_size. output contains the output features hiddenT for each T (timesteps)
- hiddenN of shape num_stacked_layers * num_directions, batch, hidden_size. hiddenN contains the hidden state for timestep T == sequence/timesteps length of input
proc init[T](ctx: Context[Tensor[T]]; layerType: typedesc[GRULayer[T]]; numInputFeatures, hiddenSize, layers: int): GRULayer[T]
Creates an gated recurrent layer. Input:
- ``numInputFeatures`` Number of features of the input. - ``hiddenSize`` size of the hidden layer(s) - ``layers`` Number of stacked layers
Returns the created GRULayer.
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